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You deserve to be seen

Reassurance can be asked,

it can be hinted,

but can you ever truly receive it from anyone but yourself?

Is it others who relieve you from feeling like you don’t fit in,

Or is it you who finally starts to believe you deserve it.

Its up to you to believe if its real or not,

make it real but confronting the experience that’s bringing up insecurities.

You can hide for only so long till you face the self that feels unworthy to show itself.

Show up for the one that deserves to be seen.

Let it shine so bright that it heals all else that remains inside.

Untangle those chains that burden you,

Free yourself, by giving yourself the gift of feeling worthy.

Be confident, Be you.

If those around you don’t see you for what you truly are,

Its not their fault, but maybe its you not showing who you truly are enough for them to see.

They deserve to see,

As do you.

Stand in a place that’s so confident that you don’t need reassurance any longer.

You are worthy and deserve to feel loved and like you matter,

Don't rely on anyone to give you this feeling because if you do it wont be permanent.

But rely on the self inside because it is there forever.

Put your hand on your heart, keep it there, insuring that


And that’s all that matters.

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