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What path are you leading yourself towards?

WHAT PATH ARE YOU LEADING YOURSELF TOWARDS? Imagine what the world would be like if you accomplished everything you desire yourself to be. The power is within YOU, You can find it, And you will, Because it is why you are here. If you don't find it now, You will find it later. You can trust spirit, Trust spirit with your entire being like you life depends on it, Because it does.

Life is a journey of emotions, relationships, thoughts, and layers that we don't even understand. If we can rely on the connection of others to support us, then wouldn't it be so much easier? and less lonely too! Why is it so hard to open up to others? Let them in, tell them how you feel and what your going through. The reason is because we are scared of rejection, we fear that people won't understand, we hold on to this fear and let it control how we interact with others. If this sounds like you, You are NOT alone. I go through this almost on a daily basis. I sometimes feel even more alone when I am with people than when I am by myself... Because I get to in my head and I don't let others in. But I found a a solution. I found a law in the universe to help me overcome my fear. I create what I attract to myself, by feeling what I want to attract to myself. By holding on to the feeling of being disconnected, I then create disconnection all around me. But when I hold on to the feeling of being connected, I then create connection all around me. IT'S AS SIMPLE AS THAT Allow yourself to feel Connected, Complete, Fulfilled, Heard, Listened to, LOVED, Accepted, Feel it! Hold it in your Heart! And you will become your own creator of your Destiny!

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