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The Gift Of Unconditional Love

Love is all that we truly desire. Being loved and loving others, in the atmosphere of joy and laughter, is the real spirit of Christmas. Source will always be your true lover... Make it a goal to find the source in every moment this Christmas! How do we do this?



Feel your heart beating...

Its beating because it wants to be alive!

Imagine your heart smiling with pure unconditional love for you and for everything else.

Find a loved one if you can, and tell them:

"True Love is right here and all is well. Our hearts are beating and source has trust in us so we can have trust in source."

Mmmmh now feel all your cells relax and


Have a Day of Reality. Have a day of Love.

If you would like to hear more from Destinys Divines check out her website:

Thank you so much for sharing light with us all as one.

Lovevolution Nonprofit: The Lovevolution Foundation is a Hawaii-based, globally active educational 501c3 organization. It is dedicated to creating a social movement that encourages global transformation. Together with community leaders, Earth conscious organizations, and inspired thinkers of our time, the Foundation creates innovative, multimedia, educational materials that are presented to the public as live broadcasts, theatrical events, concerts, lectures, and other kinds of performances. The House of Dreams is our effort to merge our global intentions into local conscious community, in an enchanted place where we embody such ideas as world peace, environment/sustainability, social justice, and creative self-actualization.

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